The Uranos Approach
Uranos Astrology is established by Simge Uran who has been providing astrological consultation since 2012. Many have been touched and transformed through Simge’s acclaimed insights and her unique application of modern, karmic and esoteric astrology. With the vision of moving humanity forward positively, Uranos strive to help every individual achieve their personal best through the understanding of astrology. Let Uranos Astrology support you on the life journey and unleash your potential now.
Precise Analysis
Astrology is an unique practice as it can be applied to predict the approximate timings of potential outcomes. Unlike other forecasting techniques, a complex range of analysis and calculations are involved.
Uranos Astrology works on a system that combines intricate formulae with ancient and modern charts. We always arrive at our predictions through meticulous analysis. With an unrelenting quest for knowledge, intensive research and feedback from clients, we are also constantly improving and remaining updated in the realm of Astrology practice.
No part of what we do should be confused with fortune-telling, as we focus only on the forecasts of potential and helping our clients onto their paths of enlightenment.
Ancient Methodology
Astrology has its roots in the ancient history of Mesopotamia. Evidences of celestial knowledge and applications can also be found in ancient Egypt, Greece, India and China. Observations of the lunar cycles are heavily relied upon in the organisation of calendars and the prediction of calamities. Doctors and world leaders also consulted astrology.
Since then, astrology has developed further through researches, investigations and findings. Astrologers today leverage on this science to shape predictions, explain climate and provide guidance.
Armed with certified acquisitions of ancient knowledge and modern skills, together with unique insights and intuitions, Uranos Astrology has helped many overcome the threshold of their personal growth and garnered many believers and loyal clients globally.
Affirmed Insights
Since 2012, Simge’s guidance and predictions have been affirmed by clients across the world. Many initial non-believers have since been touched and have experienced positive transformations in their lives through the guidance of Uranos Astrology.
“ I first met Simge at a time when I felt lost. She listened to me and analyzed my natal chart. By combining psychology and sociology, she then helped me to see my weaknesses, encouraged me to embrace myself and to acknowledge my potential. Simge is multi-disciplinary, informative, and articulate. I highly recommend her if you need advice from a professional who does not just scratch beneath the surface. ”
– Michaela from Germany, client since 2017.
“ Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.”
– Albert Einstein
We are all connected in this universe and the enlightenment of each individual benefits the whole humanity. So let’s acknowledge this and move the human race forward together.
Believing that the door to the infinite wisdom of astrology is open to everyone, Simge wants to help you understand the language of the universe so that you can take better ownership of your growth.
Well-educated in engineering and innovative science, Simge has always been hugely interested in astrology. In 1997, Simge discovered that she had the unique gift to empathise and help her friends overcome difficulties through her acquired astrological knowledge. Simge has since undergone intensive training with various institutes of astrology.
Based in Bremen, Germany and Zurich, Switzerland with a successful corporate career now, Simge continues to pursue further education to enhance her skills, so that she can share and bring forth more guidance to benefit her clients.
Simge is a member of AA (The Astrological Association) and OPA (The Organisation for Professional Astrology).
2020 – 2022: Uranian Astrology, The School of Cosmic Consciousness
2020 – 2022: Modern Astrology, Mayo School of Astrology
2018 – 2021: Master Class of Financial Astrology, Oguzhan Ceyhan Academy of Karmic & Esoteric Astrology by Aylin Cetiner
2015 – 2019: Master Class of Karmic and Esoteric Astrology, Oguzhan Ceyhan Academy of Karmic & Esoteric Astrology by Oguzhan Ceyhan

“ I had doubts about astrology before my first session with Simge. However, she has now become almost like a therapist to me. She listens well and is clear and systematic in her analysis. Simge is always there to help when I have to make critical business decisions. I will continue to heed her advice. ”
– Burak from Turkey, client since 2018.